A Rough, Tapered Lo Down
Gymnast since age 1
Artist since age 2
Ballerina and Singer since age 5
Baton Twirler since age 7
Chorister since age 7
Pianist + Keyboardist since age 9
Tennis Player since age 11
Accompanist|Piano Prodigy since age 11
Martial Artist since age 12
Actor since age 14
Worker since age 15
Organist since age 15
College Student since age 16
Swimmer since age 17
Singing Student since age 18
Where I Lived
Age 0-5 - all over the county above Miami, Florida
Age 5, 6 - the big city in Northeastern Florida, Jacksonville
Age 7, 8 - a gritty city above the 1st county - Boca Raton|West Palm Beach
Age 9, 10, 11 - the oldest continuing city in the US right under Jacksonville
Age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 - Slidell by New Orleans
Age 18 - New Orleans (college)
Age 19 - most northern outward bend of the Great Lakes in the US + New Orleans (college) - family had moved to Central Florida at a time a hurricane attacked
Age 20 - New Orleans (college) and Central Florida
Age 20-present - Central Florida - now Orlando
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Racial Guess
½ Northwestern Chinese which moved to Indonesia 6-700 years ago with Dutch heritage since 500 years ago
13% - 1/8 - Dutch
12% - 1/8 - French
12% - 1/8 - German (Swiss, Austrian, Swiss-Jewish, Polish-Jewish)
10% - 1/10 - Anglo-Irish
2% - 1/50 - Irish
1% - 1/100 - Native North American indian